20 Nov

The big difference there is with branded content is that content marketing lives in brand assets or properties, while branded content lives in third-party media and is not owned by the brand.

It is also important to differentiate with storytelling, where brands seek through content that audience’s fall in love with them. A video with storytelling techniques has a very important emotional component. The correct execution of a content marketing strategy has multiple benefits compared to brand positioning.

 What are the main benefits of content marketing?

  • Increase the organic reach of a brand.
  • It improves the interaction of the brand with the target audience or the buyer.
  • Increase conversion rates. A page with content can have 6 times more conversions than the one without.
  • It reduces the cost of traffic that arrives at the brand's website. The cost of traffic to a website can be up to 99% cheaper than with paid campaigns. If you want to deepen this topic I recommend that you analyze the following text that tells you about the differences between SEM vs SEO.
  • Improve the SEO of the brand. It helps improve the organic positioning of a brand.
  • Improve lead quality.
  • The content is the axis of any inbound marketing strategy.
  • It is essential for automation platforms
  • Supports social channels with valuable content.

As we mentioned, the most important thing about content marketing for a brand is the possibility of creating own audiences.

The content must be original and we must build it as a brand. It should not be copied from anywhere. Although it may be inspired by other texts, and as we will see later in some examples, this is known as content duration.

 We must use all the resources available to the brand to impact the highest possible percentage of our audience. It is not enough to have the highest quality content, a planned, effective and practical distribution is also essential.

The great advantage when you hire a content marketing service and they are very good with content marketing services that every piece you make will become a true digital asset for the brand.

 If you make SEO work, you will never stop receiving organic traffic. If you understand the concept well, the cost of that traffic tends to $ 0, while if you depend on advertising, you will never stop paying to achieve it.

The content must maintain a solid and logical structure. It must be understandable and aligned with the values that the brand defends or leads so that it is more easily associated with it. Do not forget that to make each piece of content effective in the medium and long term; these must be developed with SEO techniques.

If you understood what content marketing is, in summary, it is a set of very useful techniques to achieve cheaper traffic and leads than paid advertising. Do not hesitate to start using it.

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